指令文本 | 标题 | 操作类型 |
\alpha | alpha | InputText |
\Alpha | capital alpha | InputText |
\angle | angle sign | InputText |
\approx | approximately equal to | InputText |
\ast | asterisk | InputText |
\because | because, since | InputText |
\beta | beta | InputText |
\Beta | capital beta | InputText |
\bot | perpendicular to | InputText |
\box | hollow square | InputText |
\cap | intersection | InputText |
\cdot | dot operator, multiplication dot | InputText |
\chi | chi | InputText |
\Chi | capital chi | InputText |
\circ | hollow dot | InputText |
\clubsuit | club suit sign | InputText |
\cong | is congruent to | InputText |
\cup | union | InputText |
\dashv | reverse assertion | InputText |
\degree | degrees | InputText |
\delta | delta | InputText |
\Delta | capital delta | InputText |
\diamondsuit | diamond suit sign | InputText |
\div | division sign | InputText |
\dots | ellipsis | InputText |
\downarrow | down arrow | InputText |
\Downarrow | down double arrow | InputText |
\emptyset | empty set | InputText |
\epsilon | epsilon | InputText |
\Epsilon | capital epsilon | InputText |
\equiv | equivalent | InputText |
\eta | eta | InputText |
\Eta | capital eta | InputText |
\exists | there exists | InputText |
\forall | for all | InputText |
\gamma | gamma | InputText |
\Gamma | capital gamma | InputText |
\ge | greater than or equal to | InputText |
\geq | greater than or equal to | InputText |
\gets | left arrow | InputText |
\gg | much greater than | InputText |
\hbar | Dirac constant, h-bar | InputText |
\heartsuit | heart suit sign | InputText |
\hookleftarrow | left arrow with hook | InputText |
\hookrightarrow | right arrow with hook | InputText |
\in | is an element of | InputText |
\inc | increment, Laplace operator, same as capital delta | InputText |
\infty | infinity | InputText |
\int | integral | InputText |
\iota | Iota | InputText |
\Iota | capital iota | InputText |
\kappa | kappa | InputText |
\Kappa | capital kappa | InputText |
\lambda | lambda | InputText |
\Lambda | capital lambda | InputText |
\langle | left pointing angle bracket | InputText |
\lbrace | left curly bracket | InputText |
\lbrack | left square bracket | InputText |
\ldots | ellipsis | InputText |
\le | less than or equal to | InputText |
\leftarrow | left arrow | InputText |
\Leftarrow | left double arrow | InputText |
\leftharpoondown | Math | InputText |
\leftharpoonup | left harpoon with barb upwards | InputText |
\leftrightarrow | left right arrow | InputText |
\Leftrightarrow | left right double arrow | InputText |
\leq | less than or equal | InputText |
\ll | much less than | InputText |
\mapsto | right arrow from bar | InputText |
\matrix | solid square | InputText |
\minus | minus sign | InputText |
\models | is valid | InputText |
\mp | minus or plus | InputText |
\mu | mu | InputText |
\Mu | capital mu | InputText |
\nabla | nabla | InputText |
\ne | not equal to | InputText |
\nearrow | northeast arrow | InputText |
\neq | not equal to | InputText |
\ni | contains as an element | InputText |
\nu | nu | InputText |
\Nu | capital nu | InputText |
\nwarrow | northwest arrow | InputText |
\o | omicron | InputText |
\O | capital omicron | InputText |
\oint | closed line integral | InputText |
\omega | omega | InputText |
\Omega | capital omega | InputText |
\ominus | minus sign in a circle | InputText |
\oplus | plus sign in a circle | InputText |
\over | forward slash | InputText |
\parallel | is parallel to | InputText |
\partial | curly d | InputText |
\phi | open or loopy phi | InputText |
\Phi | capital phi | InputText |
\pi | pi | InputText |
\Pi | capital pi | InputText |
\pm | plus or minus | InputText |
\pprime | double prime | InputText |
\prime | prime | InputText |
\prod | product operator, capital Greek pi | InputText |
\propto | proportional to | InputText |
\psi | psi | InputText |
\Psi | capital psi | InputText |
\rangle | right angle bracket | InputText |
\ratio | ratio, colon | InputText |
\rbrace | right curly bracket | InputText |
\rbrack | right square bracket | InputText |
\rho | rho | InputText |
\Rho | capital rho | InputText |
\rightarrow | right arrow | InputText |
\Rightarrow | right double arrow | InputText |
\rightharpoondown | right harpoon with barb downwards | InputText |
\rightharpoonup | right harpoon with barb upwards | InputText |
\searrow | southeast arrow | InputText |
\sigma | sigma | InputText |
\Sigma | capital sigma | InputText |
\sim | tilde | InputText |
\simeq | approximately equal to | InputText |
\spadesuit | spade suit sign | InputText |
\sqrt | square root | InputText |
\subset | subset of | InputText |
\subseteq | subset of or equal to | InputText |
\sum | summation sign, capital Greek sigma | InputText |
\superset | superset of | InputText |
\superseteq | superset of or equal to | InputText |
\swarrow | southwest arrow | InputText |
\tau | tau | InputText |
\Tau | capital tau | InputText |
\therefore | therefore | InputText |
\theta | theta | InputText |
\Theta | capital theta | InputText |
\times | multiplication sign | InputText |
\updownarrow | up down arrow | InputText |
\Updownarrow | up down double arrow | InputText |
\upsilon | upsilon | InputText |
\Upsilon | capital upsilon | InputText |
\varepsilon | epsilon | InputText |
\varphi | phi | InputText |
\vdash | assertion | InputText |
\vee | logical or | InputText |
\vert | vertical bar | InputText |
\wedge | logical and | InputText |
\xi | xi | InputText |
\Xi | capital xi | InputText |
\zeta | zeta | InputText |
\Zeta | capital zeta | InputText |